
10 historical events that changed the world | Source

10 historical events that changed the world | Source An Illustrated Guide to the 10 Events That Defined History and Changed the World Choosing the 10 most important events in history is one of the most difficult and controversial things to do. Why? Because history is more than a few hundred years long, and there is way too much bias in most lists. I’ve attempted to create a list without that bias that manages to touch on the major events in history that ended up shaping the world. Some of the events were huge, yet impacted only a continent or two. Others literally touched every culture and brought them into a whole new way of thinking. Here is my humble attempt at the 10 most important events in history, not listed in any particular order. 1. American Revolution To many, this event was too localized to be considered part of a list that involves all of history. Yet, the shockwaves from this one event are still felt today. The American Revolution (